The Leap

New things in life can be challenging, scary, and exciting. So here goes, my new leap into a new adventure:

Blogging is not an unknown space, it is crowded and the competition is fierce. The internet can be overwhelming, a web to get stuck in. You log-in and next thing you know you are taking a quiz wondering what kind of cheese you are.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is start… I have been telling everyone for a little over a year that I am on a mission to establish myself as a freelance something, probably writer. Although, I have let life distract me, mostly in good ways. Having fun living life as a ski instructor, establishing my podcast, spending time with friends and family, reading, or just plain old procrastination. These things are all good they give you material to create, right? I told myself I would write more.

The truth is, even though I was writing I was not sure if I could call myself a writer yet, even with a double degree in hand and published articles.

A couple of years ago I started a blog, for a university assignment. We had to get all of our social platforms to look alike and develop our personal brand, a social media footprint of how prospective employers or peers may see us. All platforms complementing each other. It was stale. At the time I was in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, America, right at the end of my first winter there. *I work as a ski instructor.* In theory, I had plenty of material for blogging. Armed with a swag of adventure, an iPhone, and a free WordPress site I was ready to make it as a blogger. Though making it as a blogger requires a lot more tools and time than I was willing to invest back then. So I completed the assignment and was complimented on the life I was leading while studying full-time. I continued to blog occasionally though only my family, friends, and my ex-boyfriend’s mum read it.

Last year, I took the site down, it was no longer me.

As journalism students, we had been warned not to seek writing jobs before we were ready. I deemed myself not ready, even though I was more than equipped with the skills needed to create. I could have had a successful blog by now, I joke, but maybe.

In the last couple of years I have taken a few chances, some may say risks. The cliche in my experience is true, you are better off trying, jumping, diving, leaping, or even crawling in the direction you want to go. Making a major decision can be hard especially with infinite possibilities because you don’t know where the trails of life may go. Whether the decision is to travel to unknown places or start a new job in a different country while not knowing more than a handful of people in a place you have never been to before. We do not know what is going to happen around the bend. 

The trails in life are always changing, they intertwine and are a never-ending network. So I choose to take a step down this trail of creating, to see where it can take me.

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